Summer Camp? Or ESY?
ESY is extended school year for a student who receives special education services and needs to continue with services for the summer. What does ESY mean and who is eligible?
Extended School year is usually determined during the annual review when the question of whether or not the student will lose skills, competencies or knowledge during the months of July and August when school is not in session. Students with highly intensive management needs, multiple disabilities, or a student who requires a daily, highly structured learning environment can qualify for ESY. ESY is usually provided to a student who will take at least 8 weeks to recuperate information if there is a summer break.
A student can have an IEP for the school year and an IEP specificially designed for the summer. The CSE will determine the type of service and the amount of services that a student needs to maintain academic and/or social levels during the summer. The IEP should focus on the areas where the student will experience regression. And, services can occur at school or at a different location which is appropriate and supports the needs of the student as mandated in their IEP.
If a student has been approved for ESY services, the student can receive related services at home, at camp, or at an approved summer school program. A student can also receive specialized instruction at home, at camp or at an approved summer school. ESY is either half day or full day at your child’s school. And, the student should receive no less than 30 days but no more than 60 days.
If a parent chooses to send their child to camp, the school district will not pay for camp fees. And, will only provide services within an approved location in order to ensure FAPE and that the student will not regress.
Go and talk to all of the professionals at your child’s school who help in educating your child and ask if ESY services is appropriate. Perhaps they will say that your child should have fun. Or, perhaps they will suggest that a little schooling and a little camp will be the best bet to ensure that your child does not lose any skills learned during the school year!!!