NYS requires mental health education in school curriculum
Big news!!! All across New York State, students will be learning not only their abc’s and 1,2,3’s, but also about their mental health. Over the past two years, NY State has been pushing school districts to recognize the importance of mental health for all students. The legal framework for the new guidelines comes from Education Law 804 and Commissioner Regulations 135.1 and 135.2. And, NYSED, with the assistance of New York State Mental Health Association, have developed a “Mental Health Education Literacy in schools: Linking to a continuum of well-being comprehensive guide, July 2018”. The purpose of this comprehensive guide to is provide educators, school districts, parents/guardians, students and community organizations with information on how to provide mental health education. There are four component parts; (1) understanding how to obtain and maintain mental health; (2) decreasing stigma related to mental health; (3) enhance how to seek help and promote self-care; and (4) understanding mental disorders and treatments.
Educators will be expected to talk about mental health with their students. Although this curriculum is mandated for all school districts, each district will implement the guidelines as they see fit. More specifically, under the new law, teaching can be imbedded in any manner and can occur in the classroom or with a school counselor.
For more on the new curriculum visit the NEW YORK STATE MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION or visit www.NYSED.gov.